Can Perfectionists Be Truly Happy

Can Perfectionists Be Truly Happy
It is said that happiness and perfectionism do not go hand in hand. Some would even go as far as saying that the human condition is 'imperfection'. If you think about it, even the most accomplished and successful people make mistakes in their work and home life. From a self development point of view, making mistakes is a blessing in disguise: a chance for personal growth and personal development.

Is perfectionism a state of mind?

In a way, perfectionism could be looked at as an 'attitude'. Perfectionists often feel that if something does not go 100% their way, it has been a failure. In some cases this is true, e.g., if a surgical procedure for a serious condition does not go completely to plan, the patient could die. If a bungee jump does not go as expected, there are no second chances. However, most people look at perfectionism as something to aspire to and not in terms of total failure.

Are you a perfectionist?

Most people look for perfection in some aspect of their work or social life, expecting that:

* A presentation goes smoothly with no last-minute hiccups
* A document you have compiled has no embarrassing typo errors
* An evening date that has been prepared in advance goes as planned
* A suit that has been bought specifically for an occasion looks the part
* A music recital you have practised hard for does not have any noticeable slips
* And many other examples...

However, some people are such perfectionists that their world falls apart if their very high standards are not met. You actually feel quite nervous much of the time. You constantly ask yourself "What will happen if it's not perfect?" However, there are many ways that things can go wrong even after planning for the worst eventuality!

Why it causes such stress

When things do not go to plan most people accept this as 'life'. However, as a perfectionist, you have such high expectations for yourself (and for people around you) that you find it difficult to accept mistakes. You become very stressed when things do not go as expected.

Also, when things go wrong you feel it is YOUR fault. You tell yourself that there must have been something that you forgot to do to make it all ok. You beat yourself up. The frustration and anger soon lead to decreased self-esteem.

No one can sustain perfection over a period of time. There is nothing wrong with others seeing your imperfections. After all, that is what makes you YOU. If your peace of mind depends on everything being perfect, this is a definite recipe for stress and unhappiness.

Know what you can change in life

Things that make you unhappy fall into two categories: things that can be corrected or changed, and things that cannot. If the situation can be altered, then take whatever action is necessary to do so.

On the other hand, if you know that nothing can change the situation, for your own emotional health, do not waste any more energy on it. You gain absolutely nothing from being unhappy about it all.

Stop comparing yourself to others

Another trait of perfectionists is that they are forever comparing themselves with others. Why? That only causes grief. Just be YOU. You are always happiest when you are not trying to be something you are not. You do not have to live up to someone else's standards. Be your own mentor and decide how YOU want to live your life as this will give you the greatest peace.

Why it is good to make mistakes

Do you realise that the quickest way to grow as a person is to make mistakes? You generally learn nothing new when situations go well. Things need to go wrong to make you sit up, take notice, and work out what that bad experience taught you.

Look at young children. They are forever pushing the boundaries of their creativity. They only stop when they are told off. They soon learn that there are social, cultural, religious and other restraints in society. They learn by making mistakes.

At some point in life you lose that childhood creativity. Allow yourself to make mistakes again and see how your life opens once more to great creativity.

Try this experiment!

As an experiment, for just one day, allow everything to go wrong. Approach every task as if you did not care how it turned out. How did you feel at the end of the day? Were you gutted or did you experience a sense of release and childhood thrill?

Relinquishing some of your perfectionism also allows for self growth and for the more creative elements inside you to come forth. Why? Your subconscious is no longer dead scared of any retribution, and you resort closer to who you really are inside.

An asset of NOT being a perfectionist

One of the disadvantages of being a perfectionist is that you keep putting things off until:

* the time is right
* the conditions are right
* you have the right tools
* the right people are there
* and numerous other reasons...

Very successful people do not delay taking action. They do not wait for everything to be perfect. And they get things done. If you stop waiting for everything to be perfect before you take action you will achieve so much more.

Can Perfectionists Be Truly Happy - Self Development Summary

In summary, if you can be slightly less of a perfectionist the benefits can be life-transforming. Try it. Expect that things will go wrong and welcome the experiences as opportunities for personal growth and self development.

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